Guiding The Future Of
Learning And Innovation

Empowering educators, students, families, and other education stakeholders by fostering a dynamic ecosystem that leverages AI to enhance learning, equity, and educational outcomes.

AI Principles

The Education Technology Industry’s Principles for the Future of AI in Education

Responsible Innovation

Responsible Innovation: Shaping AI in Education. Policymakers, AI developers, and the education community discuss the AI’s role in education.

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About Education Technology Industry’s Principles for the Future of AI in Education

From tutoring and test preparation to assessing learner performance to relatively simple tasks like checking the spelling and grammar of a document, AI technologies are and can have great impact on teaching and learning. Because of this and in order to realize AI’s promise, stakeholders must address and mitigate risks attendant to these technologies. These principles intend to guide the ed tech industry as the broader education community continues toward deploying these impactful technologies.

Committee Members

The AI in Education Steering Committee convened over the course of several months to develop this list of principles for the education technology industry. The Committee will continue to develop resources in the coming months.

This set of principles is not intended to be an industry pledge, commitment, or legally binding document. It is intended to help guide the industry’s development of responsible artificial intelligence that meets the needs of students, educators, and families.

Supportive Statements

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